Hi Daniel, I was in a similar situation. I was singing a song as a child then I was all of a sudden singing very blasphemous things. I think you are already given good advice but I still wanted to add my two cents, if I may.
you know satan is a liar, her also uses the scriptures to Jesus and most definately against his followers. Counter your "IF" with that truth. What do you seriously seriously SERIOUSLY know?
Plan and simple.
He uses verse like Matthew 7:21-23 to make us also never ever ever ever have assurance of our salvation. I know because Satan uses that on me 100% no 1000% percent. My on going battle with lust addiction has had be battle if I am truly one of God's saved people for years, since a child...here I am still doubting.
No doubt, you will keep thinking, keep questioning, keep looking at what you did, what you did, what you did, what you think what you think....do you see what I'm doing there? I'm bombarding you with how Satan does it because that is what I want you to recognize.
Jesus doesn't bombard us like Satan will do. I can tell you are being bombarded aka tempted aka tested and it's not from the Lord. It's from you know know, that's right. the Liar.
You have been given mighty weapons, the Holy Word of God. Use that like our Jesus did in Matthew 4.
When satan reminds you of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, you grab this verse and put that in your heart and keep it there, stand on it.
"whoever shall call on the name of the Lord, shall be saved"
Satan: "but you..."
me: "whoever believes is saved, glory to God"
Satan: "but you..
me: "get behind me satan"
Satan: "but...
me: "I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me, and the life that I live, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave His life for me" (gal 2:20).
three times Jesus had to put the Word of God back at Satan. I didn't read in your post, how you are doing this. I'm not scolding you. I am like you and only reminding you of what our common enemy will do, to kill, steal and destroy us.
Satan is a clever liar, uses the Bible ALWAYS, so you scream back louder, Why not? You have all of God, heaven, and mighty angels at your side.
Believe the chair holds you, sit on it, feel it's support,
Believe the cross is holding you, get on it, feel it's support.
that is how you ignore and deflect and also medidate on God's Word.
God is testing us brother, and it's OK because He allowed it for a reason, to shape you to sharpen you, and yes, it hurts, but God will prune the braches. Do not ask us if you have committed the blasphemy because if even you did please one of us, your faith is now resting on what a brother or sister said on a forum, and a good forum, but it's not quite as great and the Word of God, because that is where we are standing on. We are only parrots/messengers and so you are.
Take the Word of God, as His promises to you. Believe it brother. Rebuke and bind the demons in the authority of the Bible. Cast them out of your mind and surroundings. You do have that right and priviledge of being a child of God.
If you are not sure of the Good News. Simple. Read the Bible, and believe it. Here are golden verses for you brother.
1st Corinthians 15:1-4
John 6:37
John 15 (abide in Jesus)
1st John 1:9
it matters not what is your past, only what you do what God's Word.
questions. what is your decision on believing on these truths
1st Corinthians 15:1-4
John 6:37
John 15 (abide in Jesus)
1st John 1:9
Do you believe in God? Does God lie?
If you do believe in God and God doesn't lie, then you know what you can do.
Matthew 11:28-30
God please help us believe, please help our unbelief. In Jesus' name. amen.